Optomap® or Dilation – Which One Is Right for You?

Routine eye exams are essential for eye health. Comprehensive eye exams allow eye doctors to detect early signs of diseases. During the exam, the doctor evaluates the retina to determine eye health. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue that is vital for good vision. Effective retina viewing requires pupil dilation. Traditionally, doctors relied on dilating drops to view the retina. Today, Optomap® technology is a popular alternative. 


Getting Pupil Dilation 


Dilation is a vital part of a comprehensive eye exam. It allows doctors to examine the retina, optic nerve, and surrounding eye vessels. Unfortunately, most people do not like the idea of having their eyes dilated. After applying the eye drops, it can take 30 to 40 minutes for the pupils to dilate properly. 


Eye drops can leave the eyes feeling sensitive and blurry for four to six hours afterward. The ophthalmologist uses a special light to examine the eyes. The patient needs to move the eyeball or look in different directions as the doctor records the findings. 


Eye Exam Without Dilation


Thanks to new technology, people who detest dilation can now get a comprehensive exam without pupil dilation. Optomap is a retinal imaging technology that allows doctors to view the retina effectively without using dilating drops. Developed by Optos®, the device scans the retina digitally. 


The noninvasive technique involves using a scanning laser ophthalmoscope, which takes a few seconds to complete. Different laser wavelengths capture an image filtered and viewed on a monitor. The technology captures a wide-field image of the retina. 


Optomap vs. Dilation 


Unlike dilation that requires eye drops, the noninvasive Optomap uses imaging technology to examine the retina. Optomap is completed in seconds, in contrast to the 15 minutes required to complete an eye dilation exam. 

The ability to capture and display images immediately makes Optomap a quick and convenient option. The high-resolution digital images can be stored for future comparison. It makes it easier and more efficient for the doctor to monitor changes. The doctor can also send the images to a specialist if necessary.  


Which Option Is Right for You? 


You should consider your budget when deciding whether to get Optomap or dilation. The imaging technology is costly, and some practitioners do not offer the service. Those who offer the service do charge extra for the service. Some eye doctors also believe that retinal imaging can result in distorted images, making it difficult to interpret the results. They argue that as a diagnostic tool, Optomap is an alternative but not a complete substitute. 


Detailed Eye Assessment


Dilation is often necessary for a detailed assessment of the eye. Patients at high risk for certain eye conditions, or those with existing retinal issues, require thorough examination. A dilated exam allows the doctor to examine the specific portions of the eye directly instead of looking at images. 


If you have difficulties with dilated eye exams, Optomap is a good option for you. The ability to view images immediately helps with early diagnosis and treatment. It can help save on the cost of treatment. Seeing the images can help you gain a better understanding of your condition. 


For more about Optomap and dilation, visit Seymour Eye Clinic at our Seymour, Indiana office. Call (812) 523-6100 to schedule an appointment today.

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